- “Identity and/as Institution”, conference, 100 Jahre Zauberberg, New York University, October 2024
- “Media Operationality in Literature”, Seminar, Annual German Studies Association Conference, Atlanta GA, September 2024
- “Literary Value: Artistic, Academic and Critical Practices”, co-organized annual conference, with Michael Gamper et. al., EXC 2020 “Temporal Communities”, Freie Universität Berlin & Literarisches Colloquium Berlin, July 2024
- “Die Kunst des Scheiterns. Formen negativer Zirkulation”, co-organized workshop, with Jutta-Müller Tamm, Cornelia Ortlieb, Susanne Strätling, EXC 2020 “Temporal Communities”, Freie Universität Berlin & Literarisches Colloquium Berlin, May 2024
- “Do Narratives Have Autonomy?”, invited lecture, Center for German and European Studies (CGES) and Department of Art History, University of Wisconsin–Madison, April 2024
- “Filming Theory ca. 1986. On the Visual Afterlife of Textual Procedures”, seminar Theory without Object: Histories and Historical Accounts, Annual ACLA Meeting, Montréal, March 2024 (cancelled)
- “Persönliche Devicen: Überlegungen zu einer frühneuzeitlichen Praxis Des Selbst“, Mediävistisches Colloquium, HU Berlin, December
- “Dokumentarfilm – Essayfilm – Theoriefilm” (bei Harun Farocki)”, guest lecture, seminar “Essays: Üben, Vesuchen, Ausprobieren”, Hanna Engelmeier, Universität der Künste, Berlin, December
- “Operative Erzählungen. Über kleine Form und nicht-menschliche Autonomie”, Germanistisches Kolloquium, Jürgen Brokoff, FU Berlin, December
- Workshop “Erika Runge und das systemsprengende Potenzial des Glücksanspruchs. Screenings und Gespräche”, FU Berlin, November
- “Commonplace – Placename – Topogram“, invited lecture, conference Kippfigur Gemeinplatz. Paradoxien der doxa, TU Dresden, November
- “Die Abwehrkräfte der Scham 1930/2010”, invited lecture, workshop Naming, Blaming, Shaming, FU Berlin, October
- Book Presentation Civic Storytelling: The Rise of Short Forms and the Agency of Literature, German Department, Harvard University, October
- Book Presentation, Zone Books, 2023 Brooklyn Book Festival BKBF Literary Marketplace, Brooklyn, NY, October
- Book Presentation Civic Storytelling: The Rise of Short Forms and the Agency of Literature with Florian Fuchs & Daniel Heller Roazen, Labyrinth Books, Princeton NJ & Humanities Council, Princeton University, September
- “Guy Debord: La Société du Spectacle (Buchversion 1967, Filmskript 1973, Film 1973)”, session, workshop Manifeste der Theorie: Schreibweisen und Stilformen einer Textsorte, EXC 2020, Freie Universität Berlin, July
- “Operative Erzählungen. Über kleine Form und nicht-menschliche Autonomie”, invited lecture, conference Kleine Formen der Intervention, TU Dresden, July
- “Realpräsenz des Episodischen: Rossellinis Francesco, giullare di Dio”, invited lecture, lecture series Apokryphe Konfessionen: Religiöse Denkformen und Religionskritik im Film, Humboldt-Universität Berlin, June
- “The Agency of Short Forms: On Topical Speech”, invited lecture, ERC Group The Arts of Autonomy, Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität Munich, June
- “Lehrfilme: Szenen des Lernens und Vergessens”, film-clip lecture, CineScience series, Kino Glückauf & KWI Essen, April
- 4-part film series “Falsche Filme: CineScience 2023“, co-curated with Stefan Höhne, Kino Glückauf & KWI Essen, January-April (Interview at DLF Kultur, January 24, 2023)
- “Textlektüren/Filmlektüren: Mulvey, Farocki, Ören“, session “Research Area 4”, EXC 2020 Temporal Communities, FU Berlin (with Till Kadritzke), January
- “Institution und Identität. Überlegungen zum Nachleben des Institutionenromans”, conference Insitutionen/Romane der Gegenwartsliteratur, KWI Essen, November
- “Theory as Film: The Moving Image as Theoretical Communication“, Research Colloquium, Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities (KWI), Essen, October
- “Concepts or Simulations of Reality?” (Blumenberg with Farocki), seminar Simulationstechniken, Annual GSA Conference, Houston TX, September
- “Innenansicht vs. Außenansicht des Textes”, invited session, dissertation writing workshop, KWI Essen, September
- “Gefilmte Theorie. Überlegungen zu Harun Farockis Verfahren”, invited lecture, Kunstgeschichtlichtes Institut/Institut für Medienwissenschften, Ruhr Universität Bochum, June
- “My Devices, My Self”, invited lecture, Germanistisches Institut, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, February
- “Die Novelle als gesellschaftliche Form und Konfiguration”, invited keynote, workshop, RWTH Aachen, January
- “Theoriefilm statt Theorietext? Zu Harun Farockis Verfahren”, research colloquium, FU Berlin, January
- “Funktionale Ambiguitäten kleiner Formen”, discussion statement, conference Linguistic and Poetic Economy: Ambiguity and Small Forms, GRK 2190 Kleine Formen & GRK 1808 Ambiguität, Literarisches Colloquium Berlin
- “Devices – Plattforms – Genres”, workshop Devices, Formate und Gattungspraktiken digitaler Literaturen, Peter Szondi-Institut / Dahlem Humanities Center, Freie Universität Berlin
- “Language Sampling. Sentence and Situation in Röggla and Goetz”, German Department, New York University
- “Blumenberg’s Moment” (with Paul Fleming), workshop, German Department, Princeton University
- session of “The Hans Blumenberg Seminars” (with Hannes Bajohr & Joe Paul Kroll), Faculty of Theology and Religion, Oxford University
- “Paradigmen zu einer Fabulologie”, conference Hans Blumenberg: Neue Zugänge zum Werk, Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung Berlin
- “Forced Sayings. Harsdörffer and Proverbial Realism”, panel series “Small Forms”, Annual GSA Conference, Portland
- “’Enacted Stories’: Arendt’s Media of Appearance”, panel “Transnational Media and the Public Sphere”, SCMS Annual Conference, Seattle
- “Topisches Sprechen / Pragmatisches Sprechen – Urszenen kleiner Formen bei Locke und Vico”, conference „kleiner werden“ – Verfahren und Techniken der Ökonomisierung kleiner Formen, DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 2190 Literatur- und Wissensgeschichte kleiner Formen, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- “Notes on Poor Cinema (Beyond the White Cube and the Black Box)”, Seminar “Art Film/Film Art in Contemporary Germany”, Annual GSA Conference, Pittsburgh PA
- “Kontrafaktur und Konterfei: Prosa als Ersetzung”, conference Prosa – Zur Geschichte und Theorie einer vernachlässigten Kategorie der Literaturwissenschaften, Friedrich Schlegel Graduiertenschule, Freie Universität Berlin
- “Media Mimesis in Post-1968 Germany: On Operative Stories”, invited lecture, UC Berkeley, German Department
- “Wilde Literatur und Anthropozän: Thoreau und Humboldt über den unnatürlichen Grund des Erlebnisses”, conference Die Rückkehr des Erlebnisses in die Geisteswissenschaften? – Diagnose und Geschichte, DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 1767 Faktuales & Fiktionales Erzählen, Universität Freiburg
- Seminar “Technologie: Readings in a Neglected Discipline”, Annual GSA Conference, Atlanta GA
- “’Ausblick auf eine Theorie des Unverstands’ – Blumenberg’s Fable Hermeneutics”, panel “Hans Blumenberg’s Ambiguities”, Annual ACLA Meeting, Utrecht NL
- “Die Widerständigkeit der Prosa”, Transatlantic Seminar, Universität Konstanz
- “Inciting the People: On the Violence of Quoting Proverbs”, On Citation, 2nd Harvard-Brown-Yale Colloquium, Brown University
- “Symbolic Everyday – Broch’s and Zweig’s Novellas”, conference Austrian Modernism and the Habsburg Myth, Yale University
- “The Prose Act”, conference Speech unbound/ Ungebundene Rede: On prose and prosaics, Deutsches Haus, NYU
- “After the Ars Topica. The Here-and-Now of Prose in Kleist’s Über die allmähliche Verfertigung der Gedanken beim Reden”, paper at the panel “Brevity”, Annual GSA Conference, Washington DC
- “Real/Surreal Excess. The Scandal of Screening Melusine in Breton’s Nadja and Fontane’s Ellernklipp”, The Resurfacing of the Screen, A Humanity/Humanities-Initiative Conference, Whitney Humanities Center, Yale University
- “The Renewal of Ars Topica in Grimmelshausen: On Microevents and the Beginning of Prose”, paper at the panel “Profane, Prosaic, Popular. Structures of ‘Pre-Critical’ Art and Literature”, Annual ACLA Meeting, Seattle
- “The Afterlife of Ars Topica”, Dissertation Project Presentation, German Department Colloquium, Yale University
- “Surveillance and the Resacralization of the Everyday. The Novella as Critical Form”, paper at the panel “Observing Privacy: Implications of Surveillance”, Annual GSA Conference, Kansas City
- “The Agency of Small Forms: Gesture and Parable”, Mellon Work-in-Progress Colloquium, Whitney Humanities Center, Yale University
- “The Idyll as Small Form (of Novelized Life). Herder, Lukács, Joyce”, paper at the seminar “Resisting the Idyll”, Annual ACLA Meeting, New York City
- “Aby Warburg’s Archaeology of the Person”, NYU
- “Baumgarten on Sinon, Lessing on Laocoön: Bella parrhesia Speaking Outside the Gates of Troy”, paper at the panel “Gotthold Ephraim Lessing and the Literary Imagination of the German Enlightenment”, Annual GSA Conference, Milwaukee, October 2012.
- “‘…wer ihn nur recht beweinen koente.’ – Impossibilities of Genre and Affect in Gryphius’ Absurda Comica”, paper at the conference “Denkbilder – Thinking Images/Critical Eye”, Yale University, September 2012.
- “Blaming it on the Body. Karl Philipp Moritz’s Hypochondria and Walter Benjamin’s Scham”, Schuld: A Colloquium in German Studies, Northwestern University, May 2012.
- “The Potential Not to See the Clouds – Or: The Impossibility to Act While Facing the Skies. Aristophanes, Goethe, Celan”, paper at the seminar “Critical Climate Change: Turbulence and Chaos”, Annual ACLA Meeting, Providence, March 2012.
- “One’s Boredom and 1990s Pop Literature: Ellis, Kracht and Stuckrad-Barre”, The Global 1990s: Looking Back at the End of History, Yale University, January 2012.
- “Kritisch-Werden eines körperlichen Phänomens: Die ‘Abwehrkräfte der Scham’ bei Walter Benjamin”, paper at the Biennial Conference of the International Walter Benjamin Society Schrift: Writing & Image-Character in the Work of Walter Benjamin, Princeton University, November 2011.
- “No Pragmatic Theory, but Acting Metaphorically: When We Need to Get from Reality to Possibility”, paper at the seminar “Pragmatist Poetics”, Annual ACLA Meeting, Vancouver, March 2011.
- “Technik und Metaphorologie bei Hans Blumenberg”, Kulturhistorisches Kolloquium, Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), January 2010.